Lo mejor que puedes hacer para practicar los saludos es intentar conocer gente nativa. Los saludos más comunes son:
The best thing you can do to practice greetings is try to meet native people and chat with them. The most common greetings are:
- Hola — Hello, hi — This greeting is suitable in both formal and informal contexts.
- ¿Diga?— Hello (on the telephone)
- Adiós — Goodbye — An informal alternative in many areas is chao.
- ¿Cómo estás? ¿Cómo está? — How are you? — The first form (which is informal) normally would be used with someone you know. The second form generally would be used in formal situations.
- Muy bien, gracias — Very well, thank you.
- Buenos días — Good day, good morning — In some areas, a shortened form, buen día, is used.
- Buenas tardes — Good afternoon, good evening — In most areas, buenas tardes should be used in the early evening in preference to buenas noches.
- Buenas noches — Good night — Unlike the English translation, buenas noches can be used as a greeting as well as a farewell.
- ¿Qué tal? ¿Qué hay? — How's it going? What's happening? — There is also a variety of colloquial alternatives uses, although many of them depend on the area.
- ¿Qué pasa? — What's happening?
- ¿Cómo te llamas? ¿Cómo se llama usted? — What's your name? The first form normally would be used for informal occasion.
- Me llamo (nombre).— My name is (name).
- Mucho gusto. Encantado. — It's a pleasure to meet you. — Either of these could be said upon meeting someone. If you're female, you should say encantada instead of encantado. These literally mean "much pleasure" and "delighted," respectively, so they would have different meanings in other contexts.
- Bienvenido, bienvenida, bienvenidos, bienvenidas — Welcome — Note the difference in number and gender. Bienvenido would be used with a man, bienvenida with a woman, bienvenidas with a group of all females, and bienvenidos with males or a mixed group.
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